block possibility to purchase products for specific groups of customers

 Hello, I am interested in your Prestashop Access to Products module. Is it compatible with Prestashop 8.1.1? Is it possible to block a product for a specific group and block the product display on the front office of the website? Thank you. Bruno

I confirm that access to products module in prestashop 8.1 is ready to work in prestashop 8.1.x environment.
Main idea of the module is to block purchase and/or hide product in shop's catalog for customers depending on groups (if customer will be associated with selected group - product will not be available or hidden for this customer).
if by "Is it possible to block a product for a specific group" you mean that you expect to:


you can use various combinations of these options:
products may be visible in shop's catalog but not possible to purchase
products may be hidden in shop's catalog andd not possible to purchase
if there is anything else that i can explain or help with just let me know.
if you're looking for different "block" options, please describe  your expectactions - will see what i can do in context of this plugin
best regards


block possibility to purchase products for specific groups of customers block possibility to purchase products for specific groups of customers Reviewed by VEKIA on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 Rating: 5

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