Do not allow to purchase less than 10 qty of selected product in PrestaShop

Hello, I am interested in your module "Prestashop Cart conditions pro". Can i set a condition like: Cart must contains at least 10 combinations from the selected product. Looking forward for your answer. Thanks 

does this mean that you want to achieve, for example:
- allow to purchase at least 10 qty of selected product (no matter what combinations will be purchased)
- allow to purchase various combinations and various quantity of product's combinations, but sum of these combinations must be at least 10 (like 2xCombination "A" + 8xCombination "B") ?

if so, i confirm that module allows to achieve what you expect. If your expectaction is different - please let me know a little more details about what you are trying to expect.

2+5 qty of product "gift card" (sum: 7) - purchase not allowed

7+5 qty of product "gift card" (sum: 12) - purchase allowed
Do not allow to purchase less than 10 qty of selected product in PrestaShop Do not allow to purchase less than 10 qty of selected product in PrestaShop Reviewed by VEKIA on Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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