Customer register form spam in PrestaShop
Dear sir/madam, I am looking for a module to block spam user account creation on our prestashop I have purchased a couple of modules for captcha, however they do not work unfortunately. We are being used to serve spam, as the lastname is made as a www. Do you have any module that can help this issue, of could I just to stop this for now, pay you for a snip of code to put in to the account creation, which will give an error if either first or last name contains www string ? Please let me know, as we are becoming desperate. Best regards Brian

Prevent spam in PrestaShop's customer register form
We know the problem you have. Recent days prestashop stores are a subject of spam attack.
Fortunately we have working solution to prevent spam in prestashop register form.
The plugin is available here: PrestaShop customer register form spam protection
Here is an example of protection result for recent 3 days: it is a email log from our website (module has feature to send email to metchant once module will identify spam). Our module blocked 41 fake customer creation attempts.
How to make it work with recent spam attacks?
To make it work in context of your case you will need to activate "StopForumSpam" api feature.
all you will have to do is an activation of feature on module configuration page and register on project website, where you can get API key.
StopForumSpam is absolutely free service, it is the one from the most popular SPAM protection api.

Prevent spam in PrestaShop's customer register form
We know the problem you have. Recent days prestashop stores are a subject of spam attack.
Fortunately we have working solution to prevent spam in prestashop register form.
The plugin is available here: PrestaShop customer register form spam protection
Here is an example of protection result for recent 3 days: it is a email log from our website (module has feature to send email to metchant once module will identify spam). Our module blocked 41 fake customer creation attempts.
How to make it work with recent spam attacks?
To make it work in context of your case you will need to activate "StopForumSpam" api feature.
all you will have to do is an activation of feature on module configuration page and register on project website, where you can get API key.
StopForumSpam is absolutely free service, it is the one from the most popular SPAM protection api.
Customer register form spam in PrestaShop
Reviewed by VEKIA
Monday, April 22, 2019
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