Send cdkey for purchase of specific combination in PrestaShop
Hello, sir.
i am using your plugin to sell license codes in my prestashop.
When user bought my product, email was not send.
How it is. If I have combinations of product, must be selected one? or will not?
When user bought my product, email was not send.
How it is. If I have combinations of product, must be selected one? or will not?
How module identify purchase of cdkey product (if product has combinations)
How it is. If I have combinations of product, must be selected one? or will not?
You can set it for product, or for specific combination.
So, if product has combinations, you can:
- set it for "product" - no matter what combination will be purchased - customer will receive a cdkey
- set it for specific combination of product - then module will grant cdkey only if customer will purchase this specific combination
When user bought my product, email was not send.
Is the cdkey associated with customer account ?
If so - this probably means that there is not translation of email for "sk" language.
If so - this probably means that there is not translation of email for "sk" language.
you can define translations for this language under:
prestashop 1.6: localization > translations > email translations
prestashop 1.7: internation > translations > email translations
prestashop 1.7: internation > translations > email translations

Send cdkey for purchase of specific combination in PrestaShop
Reviewed by VEKIA
Monday, January 14, 2019
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