How to add css styles to prestashop with html module?
Bonjour, je suis intéressé par votre module HTML Box Pro. J'ai déjà installé la version d'essai, mais je souhaiterais faire usage de code CSS. Comment puis-je utiliser le CSS dans la version payante? Cordialement, Florian
Add css styles with html box module
welcome after weekend.
you can use css styles in both free and paid version
let's say, that you need to use a CSS code like:
.someClass{ color: red; font-size:20px;} #someId { dispaly:block; clear:both;font-size:40px;text-align:center; }
all you have to do is:
- go to shop preferences > general and disable option "html purifier"
- open html box (pro / free) configuration page
- in the editor select tool named "source code":
- paste your css code into the popup with 'source code' editor: (at the begining of the code add <style> and at the end add </style>)
- save 'source code' editor
- save contents of html box module
these steps are applicable both to free version, and to paid version as well.
When you want to add css styles - the best position is "header".
best regards,
How to add css styles to prestashop with html module?
Reviewed by VEKIA
Monday, January 28, 2019
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