Disable out of stock products - question about tables in database

Dear Sir,

Does the module in your page:

I check the Prestashop Database but i couldn't find the 


in my case i see the product table like attached screenshot 
Does this solution will be apply without any issue in my database ?

Disable out of stock products - question about tables in database

this is not a module, it is a tutorial that is applicable to all prestashop's from to

in your case the prefix is ps_PREPO (not just ps_ like it is by default)
in this case you need to use tables:
- ps_PREPOproduct
- ps_PREPOstock_available
Disable out of stock products - question about tables in database Disable out of stock products - question about tables in database Reviewed by VEKIA on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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